Bootcamp COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
To attend Bootcamp in person, we need to follow the policies set by UCSD for in-person meetings.
Before attending, we ask that all students complete the following:
- Covid test (PCR or Antigen) < 7 days before bootcamp (Free testing details below)
- Every morning, complete the Student Symptom Screening and show your “Green Thumb” at check-in.
Free Covid Testing at UCSD
All information related to free covid testing can be found on the Student Health Covid website and the Return to Learn Testing and Screening page.
Below are some suggestions from Bootcamp instructors.
- Once you have your student ID, you will have access to the self-testing vending machines around campus and student housing. This is the most accesible method (24/7) but can take >24 hrs depending on when you dropped off your sample.
- Before you have a student ID, you can make appointments for asymptomatic testing at the Price Center or at 9331 Athena Circle in La Jolla through the UCSD COVID19 Test Scheduler. We suggest making an appointment ASAP for any time beteween 9/6/22 - 9/10/22 to ensure you recieve results on time.
Antigen Testing
- If you recently had a COVID-19 infection (<90 days), please take a home antigen test before attending. There may be ways to get reimbursed for tests through your insurance.
Green Thumb
UCSD campus policy requires every individual who comes to campus to complete the daily Student Symptom Screening. Only if the screening shows a Green or Yellow thumb will you be allowed to attend Bootcamp in-person.
If after answering the screening questions you have a yellow thumb, you will be required to mask indoors and outdoors and we will have you eat outside.
If you have a red thumb, UCSD Health Testing Support Line will call you or you can call them (619-543-8260). Please email/discord message/text the bootcamp instructors and we will provide zoom links to participate remotely if you are feeling up to attending.